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Research visit to the University of Warwick

Research Visit to the University of Warwick in November, 2023.

As part of the current international project REWARD, NURE scientists: professor of Software engineering department Kyrylo Smelyakov and associate professor of Software engineering department Anastasiya Chupryna visited the University of Warwick.
The REWARD project is awarded funding by Research England, on behalf of UK Research and Innovation.
The program of the visit consisted of a presentation of the results of scientific research within the framework of the current REWARD project, as well as a number of meetings with leading specialists in the field of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security of the Warwick University.
Cooperation between our universities already includes the exchange of students and staff, the Visited Professor program, joint research and publications, the participation of NURE students in the Summer Schools at the Warwick University.

Research visit to the University of Warwick

NURE researchers visited the University of Warwick in July/August 2023. 

During this visit, meetings were arranged with 33 members of Warwick staff (plus a number of of postgraduate researchers) across the following departments and research groups: Computer Science (including Signal and Information Processing), WMG (including Metrology and Cybersecurity), Engineering (including Biomedical Engineering and Renewable Energy), Mathematics, Statistics, Digital Humanities, the Gillmore Centre for Financial Technology, Warwick Business School, and Warwick Medical School (who participated in a hybrid meeting with a medical institute in Kharkiv who are partnered with NURE). 
The visitors from NURE also met with senior executive staff (the Vice Chancellor, Provost, PVC International, and Deputy PVC for Europe), as well as with non-academic teams such as the Innovation Group, the Science Park, the Warwick Institute of Engagement, and the International Strategy Office. We arranged a meeting with colleagues from the Innovation Office of the University of Ljubljana (one of Warwick’s partners in the EUTOPIA Alliance), who were visiting at the same time. 
These visits deepened existing research partnerships and laid the groundwork for new collaborations to be developed in the future. The involvement of senior executive staff affirmed the importance of this partnership to the strategic priorities of both institutions. 01.jpg 896.14 KB